
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

Post 8: A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

This semester is a little weird. Online classes are very different from face-to-face. Despite this I took a specialized elective class called nano and micrometer size vehicles for biological applications. It is one of my favorite classes this semester because it is very interesting. The teachers are very interactive, they show us different biological vehicles, their physicochemical properties that allow their use in complex diseases such as brain cancer and the factors involved in their mechanism of drug release. In classes you learn a lot, Professor Javier Morales teaches us through videos, graphics and photos the properties of biological vehicles and through scientific articles their application live. This class fascinates me because I think it is the future of treatments, it is the future of drugs, since thanks to the biological vehicle the mechanism of action of the drugs is more specific.

Post 7: An Expert on your Field

I admire some of my teachers  and I'm a fan of one of them.  He is Ernesto González Ampuero.  I don't know much about his life. H e is married and has children and grandchildren. H e retired in 2018, unfortunately  for the coming generation who didn't have the privilege to be one of his students.  I had the honor of being present at his last class. H e was my pharmacology teacher, the best teacher I've ever had.  I'm his fan because he had a very special way of teaching that motivated me to want to learn everything. H e as a teacher was always very understanding and honest with his students. H e was very close with his students, he liked to talk about life and above all he liked that we learn.  If there was a problem he always looked for a way to solve it, calmly. I never saw him angry, he always walked with a smile. He is really a gentleman.W e are many students in his fans club, without a doubt Professor Ernesto left a mark on our training as pharmacists. A mark