
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020

Post 6: Summer plans

 Hello everyone, today I am going to talk to you about my plans for the summer. Actually I don't have many plans for this summer but I would like to go to the beach, specifically to Tongoy, because I have visited that place before. I have always gone with my parents, my brother and my daughter, but this summer I would like to go with my daughter and some friends. I would like to visit the surroundings of Tongoy, other nearby beaches and gastronomic places. But unfortunately the pandemic does not give many chances to visit some places, for that reason I have no illusions of going to the beach and I also have no money. My plans for this summer is to stay in Santiago, working and finishing my internship in community pharmacy. Well, not only that, I would also like to participate in social work, helping in common pots. With the money I manage to save, I will fix my bike to go to work, to go out with my friends and to exercise. I have a pending project in my house, I will mo