Post 4: My future job

When I think about the future and where I would like to work, many ideas come to mind. I worked in a pharmacy in the summer but it's not something I'm really passionate about.  I like to make magistral preparations but I think I would get bored quickly. I could say that until now where I would most like to work would be in a hospital or a CESFAM. In fact, I will be doing my practice in a hospital next year. I have zero experience but I am curious to know what it is like to work in a hospital. I have some references of the things I can do in a hospital and also in a CESFAM, and I would like to attend patients to educate them about their medications and also help them improve their quality of life. I would work in the public system because I believe that we have to support the system that we unfortunately have to improve it starting with the replacement of people in the work teams. I can't imagine traveling on my job, I prefer to travel on vacation.  Although work in a hospital or CESFAM is indoor, some activities are outdoor, but they are few and they are within the health center's circumscription. In relation to the salary, I can say that it is the point that matters the least to me, because I know how much is the minimum that I should accept as a salary. In the future I would like to take some courses to specialize in public health and also in pharmaceutical care because I think these are the most exciting areas for me, where I would never get bored and it is where I want to develop professionally.


  1. Nice to know someone who wants to work in the public system, hope you can get a major and specialize in that areas.

  2. I also want to work in a hospital, so maybe one day we will be colleagues, I hope you do very well in your practice, I wish you success in everything :D


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