Post 2: Why did you choose your career / study programm?

This part of the history is funny. When I was a little girl my teacher in the elementary school selected me to help my schoolmates, but that didn't work because I lost my patience and hit my schoolmate. Obviously I didn't hit her hard. After that I realized that teaching was not my call. Everyone in my family is a teacher, my parents, my sister and my brothers... I'm the black sheep.
At that time my favorite childhood game was to be in a tent simulating experiments, mixing water with different things. I liked to play alone but at school I always played with my friends.
When I was a girl I thought a lot about my future, but I never thought about being a pharmacist.
By the time I finished school I had searched for some careers and was blind to becoming a medical technologist and I prepared myself to take the PSU, but I didn't get a good score, so I took time to study and prepare for the test. I spent two years in the medical technology career, it was there that I felt lost and decided to take the PSU again with the purpose of changing university but not career. I didn't have a plan b, so when I got the score it was not enough for medical technology. It was there that I began to look for other careers to apply. I left the decision to fate, to luck, I don't know, I had nothing clear at that time.
And here I am in my last year. I can only say that I had a lot of fun, I can't complain, I made many good friends, I met my current partner and I have lived unforgettable moments in the university.
In the future I would like to work in the public health system, in primary care or in a hospital, actually where I can do pharmaceutical care. That is my goal.


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