Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

I am from the MSN generation, a chat that I used to talk to my friends many years ago. For me that marked a milestone in my life. The smartphone is my favorite piece of technology. My parents gave me my current smartphone because I lost the old one in a robbery. I've always used it to check my social networks and chat with my friends and family. Since I was in university, it has been very useful for me to check U-cursos and see my grades and updates of my subjects on time. I use the smartphone every day and many times a day.
I like it because it has very useful applications that simplify my life, such as the bank platform, gmail, uber, GPS, sodexo, whatsapp and other entertaining applications such as facebook, instagram, spotify and pokemon go.
Even though I really like the smartphone, sometimes I need to disconnect from it. When I'm on vacation I turn it off but I always check it once a day. I don't know what life would be like without a smartphone, it would surely be slower, a little more complicated but also less stressful.


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