Post 6: A band / Singer I like

I don't have a favorite band or singer because I like many styles of music. We could say that I have many favorite bands and singers but I have a singer that transcends my whole life until today. This singer is Silvio Rodríguez. He is a Cuban singer-songwriter. He belongs to a group of singer-songwriters who emerged with the Cuban revolution. They created a style of Cuban music called "nueva trova". He plays a type of music called trova, a mixture of lyricism, guitar melodies, social, political commitment and polical criticism. Silvio Rodriguez has so many songs, really, he has written over 300 songs! The song "El Necio" is one of my favorite songs, I like it because I feel very identified and represented by it. Another of my favorite songs is "at the end of this journey in life" I like it for its lyrics and also for its melody, I love playing it on guitar although I am not as skillful as Silvio. I could talk all day about my favorite songs of this man because I love almost all his creations. I admire him very much in human and artistic terms. His ability with the guitar and his creativity to make so many songs with political and poetic content at the same time is incredible. That's why I like Silvio Rodriguez


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