
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

Post 5: TV shows and series

Hi everyone!  Today I'm going to tell you a little about my favorite series. I have an all-time favorite series and this is Breaking Bad. I really like it because the main character's story is related to chemistry. Also the evolution of the main character from Mr. White to Heisenberg is just too cool. He really turns bad, hence the name of the series. Although it is my favorite series, lately I have been watching Anne with and E and I really like it. The story is about how a girl manages to overcome the prejudices of the community and the obstacles of life to develop personally and grow. The series is set in the year 1890, the protagonist is 13 years old and is very interesting. There is a character that I love, her name is Marilla, she is like Anne's adoptive mother. Marilla's evolution is impressive and very exciting, well, I think the entire first and second seasons are very exciting. I can't talk about the following seasons because I haven't got there yet ha

Post 4: My future job

When I think about the future and where I would like to work, many ideas come to mind. I worked in a pharmacy in the summer but it's not something I'm really passionate about.  I like to make magistral preparations but I think I would get bored quickly. I could say that until now where I would most like to work would be in a hospital or a CESFAM. In fact, I will be doing my practice in a hospital next year.  I have zero experience but I am curious to know what it is like to work in a hospital. I have some references of the things I can do in a hospital and also in a CESFAM, and I would like to attend patients to educate them about their medications and also help them improve their quality of life. I would work in the public system because I believe that we have to support the system that we unfortunately have to improve it starting with the replacement of people in the work teams. I can't imagine traveling on my job, I prefer to travel on vacation.  Although work in a hospi

Post 3: My favorite movie

I don't have just one favorite movie. I could say that one of my most favorites is Interstellar. I like it because it shows a futuristic situation that could happen on Earth, it is not so far from reality. The scenes of the different planets they visit and the space travel are amazing. The cinematic planes and angles are really good. The truth is that I like to watch all kinds of movies except horror movies. I really like Japanese animation movies like The Howl's Moving Castle or My Neighbor Totoro. The last horror movie I saw was The Conjuring and I was so scared that I had nightmares all that week. Despite that, the movie The Exorcist is still in my top 10 since to this day it scares me a lot and it is also a classic. Romantic movies and action movies are at the bottom of my list, except for the movie Pride & Prejudice which I love the story between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. The most recent movie I have seen is Tengo miedo Torero, it is a Chilean film based on the novel b

Post 2: The best concert ever

I've been to several concerts in my life and definitely Yann Tiersen's performance wins all the awards. It was at La Cupula theater in Parque Ohiggins in 2014. Since I saw the movie Amelie I was completely delighted with the music of Yann Tiersen. His music is truly art. I remember that day we arrived early with my friends to have a good location. It was an intimate concert because the place was small, there were few people, it had an amazing light show and also the music generated a certain complicity. It was incredibly magical. I have engraved in my memory when Yann played the violin against the light and his movements could be observed as if they were part of a dance. I was mesmerized by her movements and the music. I remember when he played my favorite song Sur Le Fil. I felt for a second that everything around me disappeared while the sounds of the violin enveloped me with emotion. It was an amazing moment. At the end of the concert we left with the feeling of flying.