Post 3: My favorite movie

I don't have just one favorite movie. I could say that one of my most favorites is Interstellar. I like it because it shows a futuristic situation that could happen on Earth, it is not so far from reality. The scenes of the different planets they visit and the space travel are amazing. The cinematic planes and angles are really good. The truth is that I like to watch all kinds of movies except horror movies. I really like Japanese animation movies like The Howl's Moving Castle or My Neighbor Totoro. The last horror movie I saw was The Conjuring and I was so scared that I had nightmares all that week. Despite that, the movie The Exorcist is still in my top 10 since to this day it scares me a lot and it is also a classic. Romantic movies and action movies are at the bottom of my list, except for the movie Pride & Prejudice which I love the story between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. The most recent movie I have seen is Tengo miedo Torero, it is a Chilean film based on the novel by Pedro Lemebel. I totally recommend it, it is a beautiful and exciting movie. Alfredo Castro's performance impressed me, I think the entire cast was very good. Another Chilean film that I recommend is "Mala Junta" because it visualizes the lives of two teenagers, one of them belonging to the Mapuche people and the other belonging to SENAME.


  1. This movie is amazing, but the first time of I saw I fell asleep at half of the movie because is so long.

  2. Wow there are a lot of movie recommendations, I'm not really fan of movies but i'll see some of your recommendations :)

  3. Interstellar is my favourite movie too, the scene when they enter into the wormhole is amazing.

  4. I saw this movie last year and I remember it was fantastic, the effects in this movie are so great, this movie is also in my top 10.


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